
  • Obtain the certificate(s) and key(s) (how to)
  • Have SFTP software (WinSCP, Filezilla) OR be fluent with SCP in Linux
  • Have ROOT access for the host(s) and SSH capabilities

Step 1: Enable SSH on the Host(s)

From the DUCI:

System Customization >> Troubleshooting Options >> Enable SSH

From the ESXi Web Manager:

  1. Click Manage
  2. Click Services
  3. Select TSM-SSH
  4. Click Start

From vSphere:

  1. Select the Host
  2. Select Configure
  3. Select Services
  4. Click SSH
  5. Click START

SECURITY NOTE: Remember to disable SSH after updating the certificates

Step 2: Upload Certificate and Key to the Host

Transfer the Cert and Key files to the /etc/vmware/ssl folder on the host

Step 3: Rename the Cert and Key files

Make the following name changes either by SSH terminal or with the SFTP GUI

Note: I suggest using an SSH Terminal for renaming since it will be easier to restart the services after.

  1. Rename rui.key and rui.crt to rui.key.old and rui.crt.old
  2. Rename new_host_cert.crt and new_host_key.key to rui.crt and rui.key

Terminal SSH commands:

[root@ESX-01:~] cd /etc/vmware/ssl
[root@ESX-01:/etc/vmware/ssl] mv rui.crt rui.crt.old
[root@ESX-01:/etc/vmware/ssl] mv rui.key rui.key.old
[root@ESX-01:/etc/vmware/ssl] mv new_host_cert.crt rui.crt
[root@ESX-01:/etc/vmware/ssl] mv new_host_key.key rui.key

Step 4: Edit the CASTORE.PEM file

The CASTORE.PEM file in the /etc/vmware/ssl holds the root and intermediate root certificates (all in one file).

  • Copy the castore.pem file to your local machine
  • Using a text editor append the castore.pem file with ALL the root and intermediates in the certificate chain of your host cert.
  • Replace the old castore.pem file with the updated castore.pem file on the host.

NOTE: Reuse the same castore.pem file for all hosts using the same root and intermediates.

Step 5: Restart ESXi Services

From an SSH Terminal run the following on the host: restart

Step 6: Disable SSH (Optional – Suggested)